
PRP: Your Surgery-Free Help for Thinning Hair

Jul 22, 2024
PRP: Your Surgery-Free Help for Thinning Hair
Don’t give up on your hair just yet. This novel treatment rivals traditional methods in effectiveness while sparing you the side effects of DHT blockers and the discomfort of surgery. Read on to learn more.

Losing your hair is one of the most distressing experiences related to your appearance. Most treatments aren’t very effective, and the effective ones often come with serious side effects.

The most commonly used drug for hair loss in men, finasteride, is also associated with sexual dysfunction. In women, androgen blockers work similarly to finasteride and can also reduce sexual desire.

Another option is minoxidil, a topical medication that stimulates hair growth. It’s often used with an androgen blocker, as it’s not very effective alone. Even when effective, some users may not tolerate it well due to scalp irritation. The application also needs to be precise because if the solution touches your face, it can cause facial hair growth.

Finally, hair transplants are invasive, often leave scars, and only work if you have localized hair loss.

Our experts at Me.Los Angeles Aesthetics in West Hollywood, California, recommend another solution for hair growth. It doesn’t involve substances with unwanted side effects or surgery. Instead, it uses your own body's defense mechanisms to strengthen existing hairs and stimulate the growth of new follicles.

Read on as our experts explain what platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is and how it can help you with your hair loss. 

Understanding PRP and its effect on hair loss 

PRP involves drawing a small amount of blood, similar to a routine blood test, placing it in a centrifuge, and separating the components to create a platelet-rich solution.

Platelets are blood components that aid tissue growth and healing. When injected into your scalp, they increase blood flow and stimulate the growth of new hair follicles.

What studies say about PRP for hair loss 

It may sound good on paper, but does it work? After all, the supermarket aisles are filled with serums, masks, and oils that promise to stop hair loss, yet none deliver on their promises.

PRP has been studied for its effects on hair loss, particularly the most common type — androgenic alopecia. A 2023 study on 50 men with androgenetic alopecia showed significant improvement in hair density after receiving PRP injections compared to placebo injections.

Another study found that PRP is more effective at promoting hair growth than one of the most widely used topical drugs for hair loss — minoxidil at 5% concentration.

Recovery and results 

PRP therapy comes with no downtime. You can immediately return to your daily routine. While you may experience some mild scalp irritation, this side effect is usually short-lived.

Results can vary, but most patients see improvements within 3-6 months after their first treatment, as it takes time for new hair to become visible. Hair grows about half an inch each month. Most protocols involve a series of 3-4 sessions spaced a month apart.

Learn more about PRP for hair loss 

Hair loss can be quite a blow to your self-esteem. Fortunately, PRP is suitable for all genders and, unlike other hair loss treatments, doesn’t involve major changes in your hormones or the daily application of a product to your hair. 

To find out whether you’re a good candidate for PRP, contact us today to schedule an appointment by calling our office or booking online.